This week, the UK saw record breaking temperatures of over 40 degrees C. and night temperatures of over 25. So, without any romance (or photographic evidence) Mark and I slept on the garden!
Like many others’ homes, our upstairs was nothing short of a furnace! A fire pit! Hell on a Friday night! The sun!
After a huge three minutes, Mark advised me that he was sleeping outside and wondered what I was doing. Decision made, I was coming too. I grabbed a throw and headed off to make camp on our corner rattan. I obviously got the short end!
We slept surprisingly well given the lack of space and the stars came out at about 2am; I was careful to note them in my mind before drifting back off and we felt refreshed as the sun came up.
I imagined sleeping under the stars in the Derbyshire peaks or maybe on a Portuguese beach but this was a tale to tell at work the next day and if I’d not done it on the hottest day on record, what a fool I’d be!